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Each discovery adds to the sense that these long-ignored cells matter—for brain development, learning, memory and more.
Researchers found that a stroll over hot coals affects not just the person doing it, but the loved ones looking on as well.
Employing ingenuity, technology and an artist’s eye, scientists interpret and elucidate the brain’s stunning complexity.
Thomas Hunt Morgan’s discoveries won him the Nobel Prize and forever altered American Laboratories.
When proteins misfold, molecular chaos ensues, leading to cystic fibrosis and other ills. New research aims to unwind the mistakes.
The protein endothelin shows up everywhere, so scientists hoped blocking its action could treat many diseases. It hasn’t happened—yet.
Jack Szostak, Carol Greider and Elizabeth Blackburn win the Nobel Prize in medicine for their work with telomeres.
Synthetic biologists go far beyond genetic engineers, creating cellular computers, microbial drug factories and cancer-hunting bacteria.
Once considered mere substitutes for embryonic cells, re-engineered adult cells are making breakthroughs of their own.
C. elegans, a 959-celled Nobel magnet, helped explain cell suicide and launch genomics, and could now revolutionize drug development.
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