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Researchers are untangling how animals can live in the Arctic and Antarctic cold. The applications for human medicine could be vast.
Tiny models of the brain are becoming more complex. When should the ethicists step in?
Stroke researchers marvel at what hibernating animals can do. Now they’re searching for strategies that would benefit patients.
More and more bacteria are nearly impervious to treatment. Could new approaches pick up where antibiotics leave off?
Physician-chef Rani Polak explains why clinicians should learn cooking skills—and teach them to patients.
New drugs for fatty liver may offer the first skirmish in a growing epidemic.
Neurologist Anne Louise Oaklander investigates a cause of chronic pain that is treatable without opioids.
Miniature versions of organs help scientists understand disease and fine-tune treatments in ways that work in mice can’t match.
More physicians are prescribing a class of drugs called gabapentinoids to manage pain. Should we be worried?
Poor diet makes some health conditions much worse. For Rita Nguyen, that’s an invitation for hospitals to step into the kitchen.
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