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People with hard-to- treat cancer might get unlikely new allies: 400,000 genetically engineered fruit flies.
Poor sleep affects almost half of the country, and solutions have been hard to come by. Tracing the problem to its genetic roots may stop the tossing and turning.
The body can behave strangely at high altitudes. What can that teach researchers about life at sea level?
The drug-resistant Candida auris has taken up residence in U.S. hospitals. What will it take to fight back?
Receptors that can smell and taste exist throughout the body. Can they be allies in learning to fight disease?
How does the brain remember? As memory disorders become more common, the research race is on to determine how the process works, what can go wrong and how worn memories can be made whole again.
A metabolic slowdown would press pause on the body until surgeons can repair damage. How close is it to becoming a reality?
Chronic itch is agony, but new treatments that target the neural pathways responsible could finally offer some relief.
Prolapse of the pelvic organs is uncomfortable and widespread, and its treatments are sometimes dangerous. But new approaches are on the way.
As more bacteria gain resistance to standard treatments, is the answer a return to therapeutic metals?
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