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Mini gut models give scientists a front row seat to some of the most puzzling pathogen behaviors.
A wave of research shows how a pregnancy can be put at risk by drinking, diet and exposures to toxins—on the part of the male.
More research into coordination disorders shows why some children are more prone to trip, fumble and spill the milk.
Since the 1960s, the dream of ultra-fast high dose radiation promised better cancer treatment with fewer side effects. Will the reality measure up?
More than a hundred COVID-19 vaccines are in development, and many use new technologies never tried on a grand scale. Here’s how each is supposed to work.
Peter L. Slavin and Timothy G. Ferris discuss how Massachusetts General Hospital is tackling COVID-19.
Every tumor begins with a genetic mutation. Understanding how they occur and what they do may revolutionize cancer treatment.
The pressure is on to develop a COVID-19 vaccine. The human risks in that process are already front and center.
Religious fasts offer opportunities for reflection, penitence and good data about human dietary needs.
Pathologist Husain Sattar is becoming an icon—and a meme—to a generation of medical students.
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