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Tailoring treatments, patient by patient, can achieve remarkable results. But can we afford to make every disease rare?
Why geneticists hate the term dark matter.
Aiming tiny bursting bubbles at tumors could pave the way for new treatments.
Light-activated genes, now illuminating brain circuitry in rodents and monkeys, may help solve mysteries of human disease.
New York City’s medical research community picks up the pieces after Hurricane Sandy destroys decades of work.
Scientists looking to block HIV’s evasions of the immune system found an unlikely source of inspiration: the spam filter.
Sage Bionetworks, a nonprofit research organization, encourages collaboration and the exchange of ideas among scientists.
Could natural killer cells, long thought to be blind and blunt, actually be discerning enough to help defeat HIV’s protean defenses?
Science is unraveling the biological factors that determine food preferences. Next: making people like what’s good for them.
From architecture to function, the ENCODE project’s researchers are filling in the gaps in our understanding of human genetics.
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