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A prototype program aims to improve adverse event reporting by giving patients, family members and others a voice in the conversation.
When two bombs exploded at the Boston Marathon, a painstakingly rehearsed emergency response plan sprang into action.
Although drug shortages have lessened in recent years, some key classes of medications remain in short supply.
Physicians routinely prescribe drugs for uses not approved by the FDA. But should drug reps be allowed to tout those uses?
With his creation of the American College of Surgeons 100 years ago, Franklin Martin introduced a vital aspect to surgery: regulation.
Nobel Prize-winning economist Kenneth Arrow discusses the current state of the health care industry.
Insurers attribute higher premiums for women than men of the same age because of the increased cost of women’s care.
Solutions to the shortage of home health workers can’t wait much longer.
To quarantine or not to quarantine? To this day, difficult public health case Typhoid Mary still begs the question.
Hospitals are bulking up again, using acquisitions to try to become more efficient. But will consolidation improve care, or hurt it?
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