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Critics say a certain type of statement allowed on food labels could mislead—rather than inform—consumers.
A deceptively simple-seeming concept, evidence-based medicine calls for physicians to follow consensus guidelines. But whose consensus?
Storing newborns’ blood for research creates a valuable resource—but some parents are trying to put a stop to the practice.
Percutaneous injuries among medical students and health care workers hurt in more ways than one.
An author and seasoned pilot talks about what aviation can teach hospitals about safety.
Handouts from drug companies might seem helpful, but some experts contend that they create conflicts of interest and raise prescription costs.
A movement to ban uncredited contributors is growing among medical journals.
Could “medical homes,” where every patient has a physician-led support team, improve health and reduce costs? Early evidence says yes.
At Singapore’s gleaming Biopolis complex, researchers get all the money and lab support they need. What they don’t get is time.
Pharmaceutical companies are finding that reducing waste in drug manufacturing can also save them millions of dollars.
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