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Readers weigh in on the expanding field of community paramedicine and the role of chaplains in hospitals.
Peter L. Slavin and Thomas J. Lynch Jr. discuss the role of clinicians in promoting health beyond the hospital.
Every incapacitated patient needs someone to help make medical decisions on their behalf. But some lack any friends or family members who could help.
Which U.S. president left the biggest mark on modern medicine? Four historians cast their votes.
Children are the most vulnerable during a disaster. So why isn’t the emergency response system better at helping them?
The health care system still delivers poorer care, on average, to African American patients. What can be done?
New laws address how physicians should follow up on prenatal tests.
Readers weigh in on a national pain strategy and innovative new technologies that could help the blind see.
Two experts face off on new legislation that aims to speed up the approval process for drugs and medical devices.
Gun ownership is highest among the elderly. When dementia strikes, few laws can step in to keep these patients and their caregivers safe.
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