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Is there any hope for saving wasted medications?
Bias gets baked into algorithms that guide medical care. Rooting it out will take patience and cooperation.
The transgender community is quietly reinventing the medical paradigm.
In the isolation of the COVID-19 wards, nurses were a lifeline. Hospitals stand to benefit from their insight.
Mental health treatment for medical practitioners will never be the same.
Dozens of pandemic-era innovations, and the experience of teaching during a crisis, have all left an indelible mark.
Science and public health have been under steady attack. It is up to medical professionals to fight back.
Every nation has had its own experience of COVID-19. The stories of Denmark, a model of socialized care, and Rwanda, a bright spot among developing nations, both hold wider lessons for the world.
In the wake of a landmark year of activism, medical schools, hospitals and the research establishment are seeking to excise racial discrimination. How well have they done?
To prescribe an effective bridge to addiction treatment, emergency physicians must get special training and receive a waiver. Making that process easier—or eliminating the requirement altogether—could make a big impact.
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