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Policymakers call for algorithms in health care to become more transparent. But at what cost?
If a simple latch breaks, a lifesaving device could be down for months. Should hospitals be allowed to fix their machines themselves?
An unconventional new model makes industry meetups a key part of medical device regulation.
Massachusetts broke ground on mandatory vaccination in 1905. History may repeat itself with COVID-19.
For decades, a tiny encampment of researchers has held that statin treatment is a hoax. In a time when contrarian views roar to life on social media, how can medicine keep minority opinions from doing irreparable harm?
As practice goes digital, so too does a brutal workplace hazard.
During the lockdowns, virtual care took a giant step forward. Can it surmount the obstacles ahead?
Not everyone stands to benefit from digital care. How can we change that?
In the COVID-19 crisis, rival institutions joined forces. Can those collaborations endure?
The economic pinch weakened hospitals and providers. How can we build them up again?
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