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Primary care physician Eric Weil directs a program that shows that more attentive care for high-risk patients may be the most effective way to control costs.
Scientists are uncovering thousands of metabolites, all of which provide unique evidence of bodily functions and dysfunctions.
Does the recertification process prove physicians’ expertise or just waste their time?
Could “medical homes,” where every patient has a physician-led support team, improve health and reduce costs? Early evidence says yes.
Using natural language processing and other advanced search tools, bioinformatics experts are mining patient files—and striking paydirt.
Risk expert David Ropeik argues that despite constant headlines, Americans’ health worries are largely misplaced.
C. elegans, a 959-celled Nobel magnet, helped explain cell suicide and launch genomics, and could now revolutionize drug development.
A new kind of video contest has serious aims, from motivating cancer patients to solving the mysteries of how proteins fold.
Emergency room jam-ups threaten patients, inflate costs and disrupt hospital operations. Small fixes might solve this big problem.
Billing for care now costs almost a third as much as providing it. It’s time to cut the paperwork.
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