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Can an aging nation transform the places no one wants to be? Innovations show the way, but the cost could mean slow progress.
Hospitals are bulking up again, using acquisitions to try to become more efficient. But will consolidation improve care, or hurt it?
Many doctors and patients still swear by an annual visit. But this expensive habit may not be the best way to head off disease.
Economist Larry Summers argues that, despite the need to limit government spending overall, health research must remain a top priority.
Massachusetts General Hospital’s Merit Cudkowicz discovered a key to jumpstarting ALS research: pooling resources.
Harvard psychology professor Matthew Nock has undertaken a large-scale study to understand why people take their own lives and find ways to assess those at risk.
Becoming ubiquitous, thes on-the-spot physicians provide immediate care and may cut hospital costs. The jury’s still out on quality.
If residents’ long shifts endanger patients, lightening the load should reduce the risk. Trouble is, there’s no evidence it does.
Can doctors and hospitals collaborate to improve quality and limit costs? The accountable care organization may be their last, best chance.
Doctors use Facebook and Twitter just like the rest of the public, but their participation brings ethical and legal risks.
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