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More and more websites are peddling “alternative facts” to deceive the public and sell bogus cures. Fixes won’t be simple.
Is the oldest treatment for opioid addictions being unjustly overlooked in the response to the current crisis?
When a baby is born and its sex is ambiguous, what should happen next?
Self-experimentation has a long history in medicine. Should its practice today be shunned or embraced?
Dashed expectations in midlife may be fueling a sharp rise in suicides. Several strategies seek to save people in despair.
Telehealth programs are changing how people get better—and sometimes the way they die.
Most transgender people know their gender identity as children. So how do pediatricians help them become healthy adults?
New laws address how physicians should follow up on prenatal tests.
Some paramedics are focusing on keeping patients out of the emergency room, rather than taking them there.
Mahzarin Banaji explores the role of personal bias in medical care.
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