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An excerpt from Matt McCarthy’s tales of being a medical resident: The Real Doctor Will See You Shortly.
The teaching cadaver is as old as the study of medicine. Is there a better alternative?
One hundred and fifty years ago, Rebecca Lee Crumpler became the first black woman to receive a medical degree in the United States.
The soaring cost of medical school may be driving graduates away from primary care and into high-paying specialty practices.
High-tech mannequins and simulation software are becoming more prevalent in medical schools.
Rita Charon, director of a new program in narrative medicine at Columbia University, discusses how developing narrative skills can create better physicians.
First, a predicted glut; now, an apparent shortage. Getting physician supply to match demand is hard; getting it wrong could be devastating.
An excerpt from Wendy Moore’s The Knife Man: The Extraordinary Life and Times of John Hunter, Father of Modern Surgery.
Today’s patient simulators breathe, bleed, talk and die, challenging even the most experienced clinicians.
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