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Microscopic models—half living, half not—may prove more reliable than animals in explaining human disease and testing therapies.
Issues of privacy and consent are scarcely slowing the race to build enormous, invaluable “biobanks” of human tissue and data.
May problems with therapies show up post-FDA approval. Could mining electronic data and online chatter head off trouble?
A computer model reveals why some airports might be better spreaders of contagious disease than others.
Several drugs that stop the virus by blocking different pathways are nearing FDA approval.
The popularity of C-sections is on the rise.
Cardiologist Barbara-Natterson Horowitz explains why the most humanistic medicine today is being practiced by veterinarians.
Help for Parkinson’s patients from an unlikely corner: the Mark Morris Dance Group.
The trend of publishing research on the Web is raising concerns about how medical advances are judged and disseminated.
Research in space, absent gravity’s pull, is shedding light on earthbound problems, from osteoporosis to immune deficiencies.
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