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Another possible disruptor of our circadian clock: aging eyes that admit less light.
Massachusetts General Hospital’s Merit Cudkowicz discovered a key to jumpstarting ALS research: pooling resources.
Out of favor for decades, testosterone replacement therapy is back–and so is the debate about a possible link to prostate cancer.
Almost eradicating the disease, as happened in the 1950s, led to a disastrous resurgence. Is now the time for a smarter, final push?
The bacteria inside us may form a symbiotic relationship that not only affects metabolism, but emotions and brain development as well.
Harvard psychology professor Matthew Nock has undertaken a large-scale study to understand why people take their own lives and find ways to assess those at risk.
The use of 3-D models to track a patient’s pain has roots in a sixteenth-century sketch by a German master.
Clock genes keep circadian rhythms in sync, coordinating cells’ essential work and possibly enhancing well-timed therapies.
Though critics call them overprescribed, ineffective and worse, the real story on antidepressants is more complicated.
Lacking a standardized test to assess a baby’s health at birth, anesthesiologist Virginia Apgar created a simple rubric that persists more than a half century later.
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