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For one woman, a scar left behind by her husband’s cancer treatment isn’t a disfigurement, but a mark of survival.
Genetic tests can be fraught with false positives and insignificant findings that may undermine their effectiveness.
A pioneer in meditation reflects on the past and future of research into the mind body connection.
A strain of the sometimes-deadly bacteria is defying antibiotics.
Untouchable for decades, hallucinogenic drugs are back in the lab, with new research into how they work and what they might achieve.
Zinc fingers could pull gene therapy back from the brink—but only if more researchers can get their hands on the remarkable proteins.
There’s an exceptionally long list of possible causes of multiple sclerosis, and growing evidence that almost all may play a role.
Adolescence is the brain’s boom time, a period of rapid development, specialization—and a heedless propensity for excess.
The sounds of talking and footsteps, overhead paging, and beeping equipment can add up to quite a cacophony.
One writer planned to write a book about the willful overmedication of children, but what she found was the opposite.
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