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Machine intelligence takes a big step into the clinic, with a technology that helps identify patients with an elevated risk of breast cancer.
Indoor light can affect health in good ways and bad. Photobiologist Mariana Figueiro wants to get patients the optimal exposure.
Re-engineered cells are making waves in cancer treatment. But there may be a safer way to achieve the same effect.
A failed birth control drug gives a boost to cancer treatment.
Expensive, clunky yet clinically invaluable, the positron emission tomography scanner is due for reinvention.
Some components of blood can be measured without a needle stick. Now an innovation in light-based methods could make even more of them visible.
The concept of circuitry, borrowed from computer technology, could make the next generation of gene therapies more flexible and powerful.
In theory, smart microscopic particles could evade defenders and home in on cancer targets. Will reality catch up to the hype?
Tiny diamonds set loose in the body can promote a sharper MRI image.
More than marvels of biological architecture, structures within the cell nucleus may be intertwined with aging itself.
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