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When the powerhouses of cells—mitochondria—black out, a host of diseases ensue. The trick is to get them humming again.
For the author, her illness gave her authenticity, a kind of ability to be.
Esophageal adenocarcinoma is increasing at a rate unmatched by any other cancer. There’s no simple explanation—just many complex clues.
Brain surgery unexpectedly impaired a writer/illustrator’s abilities to speak, read and write, leaving her to wonder if she would ever get her old self back.
Medical bloggers discuss their fears and worries.
An excerpt from Allegra Goodman’s novel Intuition.
Understanding the patient’s genetic makeup is leading to better, more precisely targeted treatments.
A “new” approach, 40 years in the making, attempts to keep blood vessels from feeding tumors. It’s starting to work.
While the author’s mother battled cancer, he took portraits that reflected more than just her cool green glasses.
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