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Sometimes prostate cancer is best served by a wait-and-see approach. Yet many patients and doctors can’t stand the thought of doing nothing. What would change their minds?
n: A run of mutations in a tumor genome that don’t offer any particular survival advantage.
At least 10% of cancers are probably caused by a viral infection. But researchers struggle to replicate the success they have had with cervical cancer.
Peter L. Slavin and Timothy G. Ferris discuss the promise of CAR T cell therapy for solid tumors.
Medical marijuana has swept the country, but physicians aren’t trained how to use it.
A man with cancer faces the logistics of dying at home.
New T cell therapies succeed with a narrow band of cancers. Can they be made to work for the rest of them, too?
One way to get drugs through the blood-brain barrier: smuggle them across using sound waves.
Chronic itch is agony, but new treatments that target the neural pathways responsible could finally offer some relief.
Public health messaging online yields beautiful—but sometimes worrying—data.
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