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More children survive cancer, but infertility is often the cost. New techniques offer hope.
A woman navigates a foreign hospital to support her sister.
Testing cells in the nostril may change how doctors diagnose the deadliest form of cancer.
Photographer Cara Phillips captures skin damage, beautifully.
Aspirin can keep some cancers from growing and spreading—that much we know. Now it’s a race to find out why.
Prized for more than 10,000 years as loyal companions, domestic dogs now also become a powerful ally in the fight against cancer
Researchers are looking into a simple, promising way to boost the immune system. But the price is steep.
Lasers used in cancer treatment can burn away tumors, and also gather precise information and unleash targeted treatments.
Cancer travels through the body in surprising ways, new research shows. That discovery comes with both good news and bad.
The 50-year crusade to prove the link between viruses and cancer
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