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In today’s antimicrobial world, broad swaths of humans’ 100 trillion resident bacteria may soon disappear, with profound consequences.
Synthetic biologists go far beyond genetic engineers, creating cellular computers, microbial drug factories and cancer-hunting bacteria.
As medicine battles antibiotic resistance, tougher drugs breed still more deadly bacteria. New approaches could break the cycle.
Scientists have had only a glimmer of an idea how microbes affect our bodies; a $115 million National Institutes of Health project aims to find out.
Biofilms are microbial metropolises: teeming, diverse and, when attached to surgical implants, nearly impossible to subdue.
Charting the progression of today’s hospital terror.
Some countries have the problem of resistant staph well in hand; others don’t.
If God wanted to send a plague to expose the Achilles’ heel of American medicine, that plague would be MRSA.
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