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The Cures Act wants to put more tools in the hands of those who fight drug-resistant bacteria. Can this war be won?
Researchers are learning more about the unique biomes of medical spaces.
MRSA infections are down by more than half, and new treatments are on the way. But the pathogen still takes a deadly toll.
Simplifying fecal transplants could make the treatment safer and more accessible.
Infusing colons with donated feces has led to remarkable cures and big questions about what’s safe and what’s next.
The mysteries of celiac disease prove to be more intricate than expected.
In most cases, antibiotics do the trick. But when they don’t, symptoms can be devastating. New research aims to discover why.
Researchers have discovered 93 strains of antibiotic-resistant bacteria in a cave in New Mexico.
The bacteria inside us may form a symbiotic relationship that not only affects metabolism, but emotions and brain development as well.
Could living cleaner actually make us sicker?
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