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When it comes to breast cancer predisposition, one woman decides she’d rather not know.
Jack Szostak, Carol Greider and Elizabeth Blackburn win the Nobel Prize in medicine for their work with telomeres.
The find: big orange tonsils. The payoff: genetic insight, a crucial molecule and possible treatments for heart disease and Alzheimer’s.
Synthetic biologists go far beyond genetic engineers, creating cellular computers, microbial drug factories and cancer-hunting bacteria.
Using natural language processing and other advanced search tools, bioinformatics experts are mining patient files—and striking paydirt.
Artists with a certain neurological condition put all their senses to work.
Once considered mere substitutes for embryonic cells, re-engineered adult cells are making breakthroughs of their own.
New studies aim to determine what consumers do—or don’t do—after they’ve had a mail-order genome test.
C. elegans, a 959-celled Nobel magnet, helped explain cell suicide and launch genomics, and could now revolutionize drug development.
The beauty of a dappled steed comes at a cost to its health.
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