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Advances in pacemaker technology are making the devices safer, smaller and longer-lived.
Artist Danny Quirk paints the living structures of the body on live models.
Cartoonist Ben Schwartz discusses the visual side of learning medicine.
Artists use medical scans of tumors to make stunning, informative sculptures
All the terrifying world’s a stage, and artists borrow tools of the theater to give models in drills remarkably lifelike wounds and burns.
Employing ingenuity, technology and an artist’s eye, scientists interpret and elucidate the brain’s stunning complexity.
Scientists say they’ve confirmed the bacteria behind the pestilence that killed millions in Europe in the Middle Ages.
A strain of the sometimes-deadly bacteria is defying antibiotics.
Art and message merged in twentieth-century posters, raising the alarm about contagions from TB to AIDS.
Artists with a certain neurological condition put all their senses to work.
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