Design choices pervade the health care system, and pediatrician Joyce Lee wants to make them smarter.
How does a hospital keep patient details from getting lost in the shuffle?
Genetic databases have helped medicine make great leaps forward. But is it really possible to keep the identities behind those genes a secret?
A nationwide program advocates that patients should have seamless access to their doctors’ notes. But not everyone thinks this is a good idea.
Data from patients’ everyday medical records can also be mined—anonymously—to offer new insights on how diseases work.
When a company in the electronic health records industry interferes with its clients’ ability to access, exchange or use the data the company stores.
Edward Hoffer explains the revolution that DXplain helped to build.
The move to electronic medical records may be helping identity thieves.
Using natural language processing and other advanced search tools, bioinformatics experts are mining patient files—and striking paydirt.
The Veterans Health Administration, of all places, has embraced the computer age. Will the rest of medicine (finally) follow.