Satellite data can be used to assess the health impact of dust storms and the spread of mosquito-borne diseases. Additional applications could be on the horizon.
A novel use of bacteria could blunt the spread of dengue and other mosquito-borne diseases.
A new technology quickly spreads genetic mutations in the wild. Who will keep it from getting out of hand?
Tropical diseases thrive little noticed and unaddressed in the poorest areas of the United States.
Fighting mosquitoes is no walk in the park. A disease ecologist describes the landscape of mosquito-borne diseases here in the United States.
More than half of infectious diseases pass through animals first. A strain on their natural habitats may be making these ailments more dangerous.
Can a new vaccine, injected intravenously, put the brakes on malaria?
Almost eradicating the disease, as happened in the 1950s, led to a disastrous resurgence. Is now the time for a smarter, final push?
A simple technology nets a decline in malaria incidence and deaths.