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The world of medical apps is still imperfect, these physician-bloggers say.
Silk’s strength makes it an asset in the medical field.
With her daughter fighting cancer, a mother relies on a support system of friends and family to remind her of the world outside.
Researchers have developed a way to coax new blood vessels to grow with a specialized bandage.
Orhun Muratoglu, a physicist in MGH’s Harris Orthopaedic Laboratory, explains his group’s breakthrough in making prosthetic joints more durable.
Medical bloggers discuss how smartphones and iPads will change the way they practice medicine.
High-tech mannequins and simulation software are becoming more prevalent in medical schools.
Thousands of step-by-step decision aids stand ready to assist in diagnosis and treatment. But most physicians don’t use them.
A team of researchers in New York is working on a sweet solution—based on the structure of cotton candy—to help engineered tissue survive.
When the retina fails, the body’s window on the world slams shut. These futuristic treatments may pry it open again.
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