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The best intentions don’t always add up to a fast, effective medical response. A multidisciplinary approach could help.
A new approach to in-home care turns to EMS providers.
Epidemiologist Carolyn Greene aims to use electronic health records to track chronic disease trends.
SARS led to the discovery of “super-spreaders,” who can infect dozens of people. They also exist, it appears, in other infectious diseases.
New avian flu work has sparked debate among researchers and security experts.
A long campaign halved the percentage of U.S. smokers. Could a similar effort succeed against the nation’s obesity epidemic?
Paul A. Offit, an infectious disease specialist, discusses the costs of not vaccinating children for fear of autism.
Using natural language processing and other advanced search tools, bioinformatics experts are mining patient files—and striking paydirt.
Art and message merged in twentieth-century posters, raising the alarm about contagions from TB to AIDS.
Risk expert David Ropeik argues that despite constant headlines, Americans’ health worries are largely misplaced.
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