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Doctors have a long history as fighters for social causes. What can be done to make sure that legacy isn’t lost?
Xóchitl Castañeda looks for the immigrants invisible to the U.S. health care system.
Jack Geiger discusses the importance of physician activism in promoting community health
Readers weigh in on the expanding field of community paramedicine and the role of chaplains in hospitals.
Some paramedics are focusing on keeping patients out of the emergency room, rather than taking them there.
Three months after the last major earthquake in Nepal, two emergency responders from MGH describe the practicalities of delivering care in a disaster zone.
Rapid genetic sequencing maps an Ebola outbreak in fine detail.
Whether it’s smoking and cancer or vaccines and autism, the Bradford Hill guidelines celebrate 50 years of tracing diseases to their proper roots.
In the 1980s physician Miguel Ribeiro took stunning photographs of his South African patients. How has the nation’s health care fared in the years since?
Can a refresher course in the laws of natural selection help doctors better understand human health and illness?
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