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Kayse Shrum is launching the first U.S. medical school affiliated with a Native American tribe—part of a strategy to train doctors where they’re needed most.
The most common victims of extreme weather events are older people. New research looks into how the health system fails them, and how it can be fixed.
Public health messaging online yields beautiful—but sometimes worrying—data.
Health officials know how to stop the spread of sexually transmitted diseases. So why the growing epidemic?
Relaxed marijuana laws seem to cause a dip in prescription opioid misuse. But the picture isn’t that simple.
Public health physician Barry Levy sends a warning about climate change.
Vaccines are most helpful before an epidemic hits. So which diseases should researchers prepare for next?
Readers weigh in on the importance of social activism amongst physicians and the various approaches to childhood transgenderism.
Tropical diseases thrive little noticed and unaddressed in the poorest areas of the United States.
The homeless are the most vulnerable population in the country. How can health care reach them?
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