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Reflections on being a minor character in a disaster drill.
A young woman’s uncomfortable experience in the hospital and the memory it forged.
At her great-uncle’s bedside, the author considers the genetic disorder that binds her family.
After her husband’s first heart attack, the author cannot escape the fear that it will happen again.
A woman assaulted with a box-cutter finds a friend and guide in her plastic surgeon.
Against all odds, a husband stands by his wife to fight the ultimate battle: cancer.
The author undergoes her first ultrasound, her anxiety heightened by her past as a genetic counselor.
With her daughter fighting cancer, a mother relies on a support system of friends and family to remind her of the world outside.
A father and son fight through the ordeal of multiple surgeries to repair the boy’s skull.
As her mother’s memory fades, one writer watches it go, one handwritten note at a time.
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