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On the football field and battlefield, a better way to assess concussion damage.
New research sheds light on the mystery of prions: misfolded proteins that promote a lethal chain of events.
Yardsticks developed in 1968 can’t explain many disorders. New tools may reveal what really happens when one’s head hits the pillow.
As the population ages and Alzheimer’s disease proliferates, millions of minds are being lost. A spate of new drugs could stem the damage.
In 1857, Sir Charles Locock first prescribed bromide, the first effective medication for epilepsy.
Genetic variations, it turns out, explain why everyone experiences pain differently. Now medicine can push toward personalized relief.
Kuru, scrapie, a fatal form of insomnia—all caused by renegade proteins. Cure one and other, more familiar diseases may follow.
Brain surgery unexpectedly impaired a writer/illustrator’s abilities to speak, read and write, leaving her to wonder if she would ever get her old self back.
Promising yet far from proven, this approach to treating post-traumatic stress neutralizes a memory just before it comes back to haunt you.
Addiction significantly alters the brain, drawing drug users into its irresistible chemistry. Treatment, then, can’t block the high.
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