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Adolescence is the brain’s boom time, a period of rapid development, specialization—and a heedless propensity for excess.
Repeat blows to the head can have serious—and long-term—implications for football players.
What do London cabbies have in common with musicians and mathematicians?
When the retina fails, the body’s window on the world slams shut. These futuristic treatments may pry it open again.
Some drugs lend extreme wakefulness and focus—but are the enhancements worth the risks?
These glasses offer a low-tech, low-cost, no-doctor solution for poor eyesight.
Artists with a certain neurological condition put all their senses to work.
The brain, it turns out, can heal itself, and adding stem cells could unleash that toper to treat Parkinson’s, stroke and even depression.
Is watching the same as doing? Both depend on a newly discovered neuron, which helps explain how humans connect.
Salty, sweet, sour, bitter and… umami. Science could have used a cooking lesson to discover one very important amino acid.
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