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A father and son fight through the ordeal of multiple surgeries to repair the boy’s skull.
Each discovery adds to the sense that these long-ignored cells matter—for brain development, learning, memory and more.
If residents’ long shifts endanger patients, lightening the load should reduce the risk. Trouble is, there’s no evidence it does.
It can be as resilient as it is vulnerable, recovering from the most devastating wounds. Researchers are only beginning to understand how.
Palliative care—just easing pain and boosting spirits—help very ill patients live better. Now it turns out to let them live longer, too.
As her mother’s memory fades, one writer watches it go, one handwritten note at a time.
The far-flung tumors of tuberous sclerosis complex, noncancerous but hardly benighn, are shedding light on how malignancies develop.
Employing ingenuity, technology and an artist’s eye, scientists interpret and elucidate the brain’s stunning complexity.
Untouchable for decades, hallucinogenic drugs are back in the lab, with new research into how they work and what they might achieve.
There’s an exceptionally long list of possible causes of multiple sclerosis, and growing evidence that almost all may play a role.
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