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Implanted devices are just one approach to neuromodulation therapy. Transcranial stimulation is achieving results and reaching new audiences.
A new approach for restoring blood flow to the brain is having unprecedented success.
Electrical stimulation may hold the key to treating conditions as diverse as asthma and liver disease—if only researchers can crack the code.
Facebook made sure that the world knew about ALS. Now what?
Researchers are narrowing in on a compelling explanation for narcolepsy: the body at war with itself.
There’s never a quiet moment for the millions suffering from a persistent buzzing in their ears.
Light-activated genes, now illuminating brain circuitry in rodents and monkeys, may help solve mysteries of human disease.
Clock genes keep circadian rhythms in sync, coordinating cells’ essential work and possibly enhancing well-timed therapies.
Though critics call them overprescribed, ineffective and worse, the real story on antidepressants is more complicated.
Science is unraveling the biological factors that determine food preferences. Next: making people like what’s good for them.
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