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A more relaxed attitude toward legal marijuana may mean more use among teens. The long-term effects may not be good.
Neurologist Lee Schwamm looks at 10 pivotal years in the treatment of stroke victims.
The beloved author’s first great gift to children was medical, not literary.
The lobotomy won its inventor the Nobel prize, but remains a shadowy chapter in the history of mental health.
Research on synesthesia has led to devices that blur the lines between the senses, and may offer new hope for the blind.
Prescription abuse has reached epidemic levels. So why is the FDA approving powerful new painkillers?
The final illness of the physician and author happens 100 years after the greatest outbreak of encephalitis lethargica.
Researchers are still searching for answers about how best to diagnose and treat childhood concussions.
What role do brain mechanics play in opioid addiction?
The misuse of opioid painkillers has become a major health crisis. How can the tide be turned?
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