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Restless legs syndrome continues to puzzle, even with the recent publication of the first clinical guidelines for the disease.
Fifty years ago, Terje Lømo made a breakthrough in how we understand learning and memory.
New therapies for stroke, multiple sclerosis and other conditions may get a boost from interhospital cooperation.
A new Proto podcast explores the effects of pot on the teen brain and how one woman became part of the do-it-yourself medical device movement.
A new way to understand and treat hearing loss comes from the deep waters of comparative biology.
Lasers used in cancer treatment can burn away tumors, and also gather precise information and unleash targeted treatments.
A photography exhibit profiles veterans who return home with life-altering wounds.
Can a video game really improve cognitive function? One company holds out hope for the holy grail: the blessing of the FDA.
New laws address how physicians should follow up on prenatal tests.
Researchers debate the link between marijuana and mental illness.
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