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Ten years ago, researchers coaxed normal adult cells into stem cells for the first time
One recent diagnostic advance may be guilty of stalling the fight against food-borne illness.
Geneticist Hermann Muller was one of the first skeptics of the Atomic Age.
The 50-year crusade to prove the link between viruses and cancer
The lobotomy won its inventor the Nobel prize, but remains a shadowy chapter in the history of mental health.
Ernest Amory Codman, a pioneer in medical quality assessment, made his stand with a cartoon in 1915. It did not end well.
Cigarette labeling hits a big milestone, but the battle continues over the perception of tobacco’s risks.
Wilhelm Röntgen stumbled upon one of medicine’s first imaging techniques 120 years ago.
The first angioplasty procedure was performed 50 years ago. But it was some time before the work of “Crazy Charlie” Dotter caught on.
Eighty years ago, what he perceived of as a telepathic experience led Hans Berger to create the electroencephalogram.
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