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To treat her young patients, Nadine Burke uses research on how adverse childhood experiences affect health.
Primary care physician Eric Weil directs a program that shows that more attentive care for high-risk patients may be the most effective way to control costs.
Douglas Farrago’s bimonthly collection of top-ten lists, editorials and “True Stories of Medicine” provides a sharp satire of the health care system.
A pioneer in meditation reflects on the past and future of research into the mind body connection.
One writer planned to write a book about the willful overmedication of children, but what she found was the opposite.
An author and seasoned pilot talks about what aviation can teach hospitals about safety.
Paul A. Offit, an infectious disease specialist, discusses the costs of not vaccinating children for fear of autism.
Michael G. Fitzsimons, head of the drug-testing program at the Massachusetts General Hospital’s Department of Anesthesia and Critical Care, discusses preventing fallout from addicted physicians.
Risk expert David Ropeik argues that despite constant headlines, Americans’ health worries are largely misplaced.
Tending to recent immigrants and other travelers, Carlos Franco-Paredes diagnoses diseases that few other physicians in North America have ever seen.
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