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The next generation of medical software offers extraordinary support. But how can such tools be used to the best effect?
MRSA infections are down by more than half, and new treatments are on the way. But the pathogen still takes a deadly toll.
In one metric—inpatient stays—hospitals are seeing a steady decline.
A remarkable machine lets doctors operate from across the room and quickly gets patients back on their feet. But will hospitals pay the price?
New digital systems can help keep infectious agents at arm’s length—or further away.
A young woman’s uncomfortable experience in the hospital and the memory it forged.
Often ridiculed, ICD-10 may relieve some diagnostic and billing headaches. But implementation will bring complications.
For patients to be effective partners in their own care requires a basic grasp of medical terms that, shockingly, many don’t have.
In this short story, an IT guy reveals the human angle of dealing with new health care technology.
Hospitals are bulking up again, using acquisitions to try to become more efficient. But will consolidation improve care, or hurt it?
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