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Photographer Walter Arnold captures the beauty of a forsaken hospital.
A nationwide program advocates that patients should have seamless access to their doctors’ notes. But not everyone thinks this is a good idea.
Telehealth programs are changing how people get better—and sometimes the way they die.
Coming of age when you’re transgender isn’t easy. A mother and son discuss how they’re meeting the challenges.
The standard garb of the physician comes with surprising risks and benefits.
Hundreds of alarms compete for a clinician’s attention. Can less noise mean better care?
Readers weigh in on the expanding field of community paramedicine and the role of chaplains in hospitals.
Children are the most vulnerable during a disaster. So why isn’t the emergency response system better at helping them?
The health care system still delivers poorer care, on average, to African American patients. What can be done?
Brian Herriot on building a robot-friendly hospital
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