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Someday, we might all be taking it—even if we don’t really need it.
Addiction significantly alters the brain, drawing drug users into its irresistible chemistry. Treatment, then, can’t block the high.
The author explains the connection between her appearance on Late Night with David Letterman and the problem of unsupervised drug-taking by the elderly.
No-name drugs may be cheaper than brand names, but they have some drawbacks as well.
Point: Race is a social construct, not a genetic indicator; Counterpoint: Race correlates highly with genetic variation.
Starving mice, drugs in the water and sighing.
The painkiller named after the Greek god of dreams has a big birthday.
What was once treated with a lung compression device is now solved by antibiotics.
With the human genome laid bare, scientists are narrowing their search for the roots of mental illness.
Terrible things happen fast in a victim’s brain. Now new drugs and smart systems can extend the treatment deadline.
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