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Some drugs lend extreme wakefulness and focus—but are the enhancements worth the risks?
Will consumers continue to have the power to question a drug’s safety?
As medicine battles antibiotic resistance, tougher drugs breed still more deadly bacteria. New approaches could break the cycle.
Pharmacists propose a third category of drugs—“behind the counter”—which they, not doctors, would prescribe.
After symptoms begin but before reality departs, aggressive treatment may forestall the disease. But is the intervention worth the risks?
When controversy erupts over the safety of a drug, chances are, Steven E. Nissen is not far away.
As the population ages and Alzheimer’s disease proliferates, millions of minds are being lost. A spate of new drugs could stem the damage.
Another way to ensure patients take their medication: implant a dental prosthesis that releases drugs directly into their mouths.
Issues of choice, good science and the benefit of new treatments complicate the question.
Promising yet far from proven, this approach to treating post-traumatic stress neutralizes a memory just before it comes back to haunt you.
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